Welcome to Grace United Church, Wainwright

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We provide an opportunity for people to worship God, as revealed in Jesus Christ, and to celebrate and be strengthened in our faith.

Grace United Church Wainwright Alberta Sanctuary


Grace United Church affirms and proclaims the historic teachings of the Christian Church; primarily faith in loving God, who has come in the person of Jesus Christ, to save lost humanity according to the scriptures. It makes no apology in proclaiming the savingt acts of God through the coming, death and resurrection of Jesus Chrust, Son of God. It invites everyone and anyone to share its traditional life and ministry: worship, fellowship and friendship; its common quest for Christian maturity and service to fellow human beings under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Minister Rev. Mokwadi MPT Basele of Grace United Church, Wainwright

A word from our Minister

We have been sharing our story, Christ’s story, in the wider community through many mediums and platforms.

As we continue to spread our news and story, we invite you to access our new website, which we are thrilled to launch to better serve you.


Rev. Mokwadi MPT Basele

“Grace United is an affirming congregation which seeks through worship, study, work, actions and fellowship, to ensure a safe, nurturing environment. We include all people into the life and ministry of the Grace United family: persons of any age, color ethnicity, gender identity and sexual orientation. We celebrate the richness that diversity brings to the church.”

Doug Rawluk - Chairperson


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Our office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 am-12:00 noon.

Sunday services begin at 10:00 am followed by coffee & fellowship.


(780) 842-3870

Make a donation.

Grace United Church relies on donations from it’s members and the wider community to enable us to serve Wainwright and surrounding areas in ministry, visitations, fellowship and events.

We accept Interac e-Transfers to grunch@telus.net

Thank you.